
Are You A Tradesman or a Gardener ?

Leaders do not always act rational. Or they act rational in a way that seems irrational to others. Especially in situations of crisis personal interests change quickly, and often the good of the organisation is scarified for personal protection or gain.

I knew directors at Chemviron Carbon who, in the face of an approaching crisis, hired extra staff only because they knew that soon they will be asked to reduce overheads and make redundancies, and by making those redundant they just hired they got away with not touching those who had been there before, effectively cementing their status quo and ending up with exactly the same number of people they had before. This is irresponsible, despicable gambling with human chess figures.

I knew of directors at 4711 who, in the face of an approaching crisis, had to make suggestions about cost savings and instead of making real contributions, though about ideas that would sound great on the surface but could never been implemented. Their motivation was protect their fifhdoms and not end up with smaller budgets, less staff and reduced importancte.

I knew of directors at Chemviron Carbon who deliberately hired the second best person for a job because the best one was “too ambitious” and was perceived a threat to those less qualified but yet above him in hierarchy. If you deliberately hire the second best and deprive your company of the best resources because of personal interest, that’s criminal.

All these behaviour patterns seem totally irrational to an outsider who doesn’t see the underlying motivation of the leader (who, in this examples, hasn’t deserved that title). It is therefore vital for any controlling organ such as a non-executive board or a CEO to understand what drives their leaders, especially in a crisis, and to to take them out of control temporarily and replace them with a neutral, external crisis manager who has no personal interests and no political agenda and acts for the best of the organisation without regard for personal gain or loss.

The problem is, many organisations still feel bullet-proofed, even if they are already bleeding to death. Human nature promotes denial. Military analysts had long predicted a possible Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, but America fell victim to complacency and megalomania and denied such a possibility. Over night, the opinion of many so called “experts” changed dramatically.

Similarly sad was the shock the US suffered on 9/11. America felt bulletproof because of its superior military power, but simply did not see that that an envelop with Andrax or a few suicide bombers could make their airplane-carriers and nuclear missiles redundant. Over night, perception changed.

Just because something is too horrible to even imagine does not mean it will not happen.

Many commercial organisations are in a similar situation: They are highly vulnerable and perhaps disaster is already knocking at their door, yet they still think they are bulletproof. Why? Because the worst case scenario is so terrible that they simply deny the possibility that it might happen. They are blind and think that history can be projected into the future: “It has worked all the time in the past, so it will too work in the future”. But as every stock investor has learned, past performance is no guarantee for future performance. Personal power is not stronger than life’s reality.

How to change that and make managers see the risks? By changing views and perspectives. If you can’t see around the corner, change your position. Step a few yards aside and all of a sudden you can see what’s around the corner. For an organisation, this means to bring in external views, new ways of looking at things, adding external experience that does not exist in the current structure.

But this leads to the next problem: Why change a system that benefits yourself and do something that seems to disadvantage you? This is were we need a paradigm shift. As long as leaders are rewarded with bonuses based on 12 weeks results, all they will ever do is thinking in 12 weeks horizons. They give a damn investing in new technologies that saves 20% of the corporation’s cost over the next 10 years but will reduce the cash flow position next quarter. They give a damn about hiring extra staff to deal with high growth if this means that profits take a short term dip because hiring means recruitment and training costs.

Only if leaders start being rewarded for long-term performance and when leaders are rotated and taken out of a job after a number of years regardless of their performance, their motivation to protect and cement their status quo will become superfluous and attitudes will change.

At this moment, most leaders treat their organisation like a tradesman bending and forming a work piece until it fits him, while what we need is a culture where leaders treat their organisations like gardeners, creating an environment where organic growth and development can take place, fertilising and enabling that organism that’s called a company.
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Making Promotional Products Work to Your Advantage

There is no dearth of products that can be used for the purpose of promotions. All you need to do is think of the right item and get your logo and company name imprinted on it. Promotional products can be used for a variety of purposes such as give-aways on trade shows and business events, sales incentives, contest prices as well as business gifts.
It's extremely necessary to choose the right promotional products. Once you've made a choice there are a few more things that you will need to keep in mind.
Promotional products can be used for all kinds of stuff like referrals and motivation. Before you go about promoting your business you need to ask yourself certain questions such as:
  1. What kind of product options do I have?
  2. What kind of business am I aiming at?
  3. What can be my budget?
You will need to make decisions based on the answers to these questions!The Scope of your Promotional Efforts
This concerns your target audience. For example, while you give away promotional gifts at a trade show, you need to know that you are giving them away to the right people rather than giving them to almost anyone who comes by to your space to take a look at your products and services.
Prepare a strategy... make sure that all your promotional efforts are made in the right direction, i.e. towards your target audience.
This can be done easily if you have chosen the right kind of promotional products. For example, you can get attention from a soccer player with imprinted soccer balls and other soccer accessories. Alternatively, you can have your customer sit through a demonstration of your product and services and fill up a small questionnaire in order to receive a promotional gift.
All in all, you need to choose a promotional product that only your target audiences will be interested in, it should ideally be a promotional product to suit their lifestyle.
Useful Promotional Products
There is no point in choosing a promotional product which people are going to throw away. Choose a product that will be useful! It really doesn't need to be expensive. Remember, the most successful (refrigerator magnets, pens, calendars, post it notepads) promotional products are inexpensive.
Quality Matters
A bad quality promotional product is irritating. A defective quality product will not only get thrown away but will also tarnish the image of your business among clients and customers.
A Teaser
Get a mug with a nice teaser message and a phone number imprinted on it. Tell people about your products and services once they call up your company.
Lastly, consider the cost. Sometimes, an inexpensive promotional gift can make up for an expensive promotion. It's best to get some advice from your dealers. Make a good decision!
For any help on Promotional products, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Promotional gifts!


What is the advantage of HDD ( Hardisk Drive )

The most important storage device in your PC is the hard drive. The average hard drive sold today can store as much information as tens of thousands of floppy disks, and it can find and read that information faster than any other storage device, including CDs and DVDs. The majority of the storage space on most people's hard drive is used for programs such as the operating system, word processing and database software, and games. No author, living or dead, could ever fill up a modern hard drive by writing books, but a couple hours of high-quality video would do the job. Although you can always make room on a nearly full hard drive by destroying (deleting) old programs of information, most people prefer to let the clutter build up like old boxes in the attic, simply adding a new hard drive when things get too crowded.

Although the storage provided by the hard drive is certainly permanent in comparison to RAM, it's nowhere near bulletproof. The mean time between failure (MTBF) ratings provided by hard drive manufactures are highly optimistic, and always exceed the useful life of the drive by at least a decade. Anecdotally, I would estimate that one in ten hard drives suffers complete failure within a couple years of being purchased, with an even higher rate in notebook computers. These failures can result from all sorts of environmental issues such as excessive heat, power spikes, or the PC getting thumped at just the wrong moment.

For this reason, anybody who uses a PC for more than games and Internet surfing should get in the habit of making copies of important information, a process known as "creating a backup”. Creating a backup can be as simple as copying your checkbook register or word processing documents to a floppy disk once a week, but never use the floppy disks to exclusively store documents in place of the hard drive because they are far less reliable, not to mention much slower.
Hardisk Drive
In critical business applications, a special technology called RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives) provides a means to duplicate data across several hard drives to increase performance and protect against the failure of any individual drive. RAID solutions usually provide automatic fail over, so you won't experience any down time if a single drive fails in the middle of the business day. We will give an example of a simple RAID sub-system in our Pentium 4 build.

RAID provides no protection against fire, theft, data management errors, or computer viruses. Tape backups are the dominant devices for backing up large amounts of data, although DVD recorders and new high-capacity cartridge drives from Iomega might pick up some of the load. CD recorders, also know as burners, provide an excellent option for data backup if you organize your files on the hard drive so you know what to copy to the CD.


The demands for Wedding Planners nowadays in any parts of the world especially in highly urbanized cities is skyrocketing, and I can say you so because there are lot of couples locally and abroad (70% of my clients) wish to hire my services. I had several weddings in the past so it means the demand is high.I really never thought that I would reach this far, that there are brides who wants me to do their weddings, and who trusts my creativity. Thank God for the skill and talent, Joe Harris Kari Events and Event Styling is humbly soaring high. It’s overwhelming indeed.
As a wedding planner, I am accountable for contacting dissimilar vendors, ordering wedding items, keeping on budget, choosing the right motif for the wedding, right flowers for the floral design, musical score to be used for the church or during the reception program, right bridal gown that flatters the figure of the bride, distinctive details of theme, and just about every other part of a wedding that called for to be planned. I do most of the legworks, it’s my job as a wedding planner and I certainly enjoy it.
Wedding planners have personal knowledge in finding great wedding deals for every couple considering their individual wants and their financial abilities. Wedding planner is your library. We explain every details and we share ideas and gives necessary information. We study every wedding traditions.
The advantages of hiring a wedding planner are briefly enumerated below.
1.) Plans and organize your wedding
2.) Personal Consultant
3.) Gets the best deal for your money
4.) Gets everything you want for your wedding without having to do much of the work.
5.) Connections with the local wedding services like wedding suppliers, service providers, and vendors
6.) Special deals with suppliers, service providers and, vendors and they might also get you a discount for these services.
7.) Access for great discounts
8.) Troubleshooter
9.) Saves you a lot of time
As a quality, knowledgeable, and creative wedding planner my job is to help the couple and alleviate the stress of the planning process.